Finger Pushing Dominos

Self-Accountability: Decisions and Responsibility

In a world where individuals, corporations and governments promote the advocation of responsibility to a source other than themselves, we as a society are faced with some life altering decisions! Many people tend to subconsciously give up their personal responsibility with statements like: ‘the government will take care of all of our needs’ and ‘my […]

Telegram Adult Link ➤ Join Top 18+ Channels Now

Telegram adult link ➤ Access exclusive adult-themed groups and channels with ease. Join now for the latest in mature content ★ 318+ active participants.

Mentality of Wealth

On the subject of wealth there are indeed countless, timeless and valuable teachings. To educate yourself on the basic principles of wealth is rudimentary. Mastering the practice of wealth of however, requires no less than 10,000 hours of effort! For Wealth to become a way of life it requires a certain mentality. It prescribes delaying […]

1969 $20 Solid Numbered Note

For every ten million consecutive notes produced, a maximum of nine notes may have a “solid” number. These are the most desirable variety of “radar” notes.

Rocks balancing backdrop blue sky

Becoming Balanced

“There are only two ways to become wealthy, increase your means or decrease your wants, the most effective is to do both.”
Benjamin Franklyn

Poul Matheisen- Numismatics

Poul Matheisen, Consultant Numismatics

Poul Matheisen the past President of the Halifax Regional Coin Club,  and brings a wealth of knowledge to fellow collectors and those interested in learning more about numismatics.